Your First Consultation after an Auto Accident Injury

Your First Consultation after an Auto Accident Injury: What to Expect

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is not uncommon to be in pain. There are plenty of injuries associated with a car accident that can be treated with the help of a chiropractor. Joint pain, muscle pain, back and neck pain, and chronic headaches due to a concussion can all be treated by a chiropractor. If you are going to schedule an appointment, you should know what to expect during your first visit.

Medical History and Symptoms

When you first arrive at the office, you will be asked to fill out paperwork. The questions that you would need to answer would include your current condition, your medical history, and any medication that you are taking. Your chiropractor will need to know what your health was like before and after the accident.

Exam and Evaluation

During your first visit to the chiropractor, you will have a complete examination. First, your vitals will be checked to be sure that you are healthy. Next, your chiropractor will perform an exam. This will let your chiropractor know what movements cause you pain, the limits of your range of motion, and the strength you have in your muscles and joints. If you don't have copies of your x-rays, MRI, or CT scans from the hospital, your chiropractor may want to run these tests to get a good look at your injury.

Diagnosis and Treatment

Once the testing and the exam are complete, your chiropractor will make a diagnosis. This will provide a basis for a treatment plan that over time will have you living a pain-free life. Depending on your diagnosis, your treatment could include chiropractic adjustments, spinal manipulation, ice therapy, massage, stretching exercises, ultrasound, and TENS therapy. The treatment plan that your chiropractor creates for you will depend on your specific condition and injury.

If you have been involved in a car accident, you should schedule an appointment with Armstrong Chiropractic Center in Temple. Our chiropractor will evaluate your auto accident injury to help you start living a pain-free life. After your first visit to our office, you should start feeling some relief.


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm