
We value our patients' experience at Armstrong Chiropractic. If you are currently a patient, please feel free to complete the following Client Experience Questionnaire. The Questionnaire is in Adobe Acrobat format, and requires the free Acrobat Reader to view.

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Dr. Stephen Armstrong

"When I first came in to see Dr. Armstrong I was in a wheelchair. I could barely get up and go to the bathroom. I was in the military and jumped out of airplanes ealier in my life and my back was really messed up. Dr. Armstrong got me out of that wheelcahir when I did not think anyone could.

I trust him more than any other doctor anywhere. When I had a heart attack Dr. Armstrong came up to the hospital to see me. I would seek out his opinion before I follow advice from any other doctor, and I would take his word over theirs.

There are very few people that I trust and Dr. Armstrong is one of them. I really appreciate his honesty and sincerity in taking care of his patients."

- Sonny (70), Patient since 2001. Primary Issue: Low Back Pain

"I have had an extremely positive experience with Armstrong Chiropractic and I am pleased to share my story.

I had never been to a chiropractor, but finally accepted a referral from a trusted friend to Armstrong Chiropractic. I thought Dr. Armstrong would tell me what the others had said, but instead after an exam and x-rays, he showed me exactly where and what my problem was. He told me he could make me feel 85% to 90% better. I did have some disc degeneration that could not be fixed, but he told me how to learn how to manage it. I chose to proceed with a six week treatment program. At the end of those weeks my improvement was AMAZING and I could clearly see and feel that a maintenance program would be extremely beneficial.

Througout my treatment my back pain greatly diminished, my hip, thigh, and foot pain disappeared, and I even walked normally. I am not on any prescription medication for pain any longer. I have been very excited and amazed over my improvement.

In seeing improvement, both mentally and physically in me, my husband has started treatment as well.

It is always a pleasent experience going to Armstrong Chiropractic. Dr. Armstrong and his staff are very friendly, positive, and professional. Over time they have become good friends to me.

I am extremely grateful to Dr. Armstrong and his staff for everything they have done for me. I don't ever want to take for granted the way I feel today, as it is truly a gift. I just wish I had gone earlier."

- Sondra (68), Patient since 2009. Primary Issue: Neck, Low Back, Hip, Thigh, Feet Pain

"When my daughter was in Junior HIgh she asked me to take her to the Doctor for pain in her legs. Due to my trust of Dr. Armstrong as an excellent 'diagnostic expert' for body pains, I brought her for an appointment.

Laura was cured after a ten minute conversation. Dr. Armstrong asked her about her daily activities, because he knew that she must be aggravating a nerve in her spine. This nerve travels down both legs, and ends in the middle of the thigh. After she answered his questions about her activities at school including cheerleading, he found the problem. In one of the stretches my daughter was unknowingly putting undue pressure on a vertebrae. He advised her that once she quit this stretch that the pain would be done within a few weeks, and it was. Since, she has not had any more leg pain.

Dr. Armstrong is honest, caring, and he knows the body well. I have been a patient for 20 years and I always recommend him to anyone who is in pain. I thank the Lord for giving Dr. Armstrong the knowledge and wisdom to heal."

- Susan (52), Patient since 1991. Primary Issue: Neck & Low Back Pain

"From the time I walked into the office without an appointment on the 25th of January 2011, I was treated exceptionally well. I had injured my back on the 22nd of January and while in my dentist's office the morning of the 25th it was suggested that I go see Dr. Armstrong by my dentist. I walked into the office and was immediately greeted and asked what could be done for me. I wasn't asked what was wrong with me; I was asked 'What can we do for you?' I was given the necessary paperwork to complete and before I could complete the questionnaire, I was directed to the back office for x-rays and an examination. I felt that the staff recognized my problem was causing pain and did their best to move things along quickly to get me some relief. (Pt. #2 for the Staff.)

I was diagnosed with subluxation at L4-5 with impingement of the sciatic nerve on the right side. Guess that's why the right leg felt like it was on fire for two days and I couldn't walk very well. I was shown the x-rays and even I could see the alignment of the spine was in need of some serious work. (Pt. #3 for the Staff.)

I was moved to the treatment room and after some further questions and a bit more examination of the lower back; Dr. Armstrong adjusted the lower spine and immediately gave me some relief.

Dr. Armstrong recognized the problem as well as the signs and symptoms I was exhibiting immediately and gave me a printout of the things I should and shouldn't do for awhile. He recognized my stubborn nature too and allowed that I was not going to miss work. I have met a finite few people in my life that have proven to me by action and not mere words that they sincerely care for others the way Dr. Armstrong has. I'm not sure I should repeat this, but he actually gave me his home phone number and made me promise to call him, even on the weekend, should I need additional treatment or should I experience any changes in my condition.

I am one of the lucky people in this world who recognized the need for professional help and was able to find it at Armstrong Chiropractic. Insurance information was handled quickly and efficiently. My questions have always been answered completely and immediately. Copies of any required documentation needed for insurance purposes and work were supplied in minutes while I was at the office. (Pt. #4 for the Staff.)

I have had back problems since 1984 when I was struck from behind by a semi tractor trailer that was hauling 12 yards of washed gravel. I feel better after beginning my treatment with Dr. Armstrong than I have in the 27 years since the accident. The only way things could be better is if the office were located in a sports bar in the Caribbean. Just can't see that one happening though."

- James (55), Patient since 2011. Primary Issues: low back and leg pain with foot numbness and weakness.


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8:00 am - 12:00 pm 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm