Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Armstrong Chiropractic is Your Relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you want to perform basic activities without the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractic care is your answer. We treat wrist pain as a result of sports injuries, faulty work ergonomics, chronic inflammation associated with other illnesses, and repetitive functional pain from daily activities. At Armstrong Chiropractic, your wrist pain is now in our hands.

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel is the narrow passageway located in the wrist, allowing for the median nerve (which extends from the spine to the hand) to pass through. If any area of this nerve becomes inflamed, it creates compression on the median nerve, cutting off any movement or feeling to the hand, ultimately will result in carpal tunnel syndrome. Tennis players, typists, golfers, weight lifters, gymnasts, and yoga teachers are more likely to suffer from wrist pain due to the nature of their sport or work. Women are also more prone to carpal tunnel syndrome due to the smaller size of the carpal tunnel in their hands.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is oftentimes difficult to pinpoint, as genetics may play a role. Factory and construction workers are also susceptible to the condition. It's not the easiest to diagnose, which is why our team at Armstrong Chiropractic will provide a comprehensive checkup following an extensive health history. We want to get to the root of your lifestyle, and whether or not poor work ergonomics plays a key role in your wrist pain.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

We strongly suggest seeking out non-invasive treatment for your carpal tunnel syndrome. Because the median nerve originates in the cervical spine, our chiropractor can locate possible interference in your spinal alignment that may be causing compression on the nerves. Our methods of treatment include gentle manipulation of the wrist, elbow, and cervical spine. In addition to extensive chiropractic care, our skilled professionals use massage therapy, K-laser treatment, and nutritional counseling to increase the healing.  We want to promote healing to the site and decrease the inflammation interiorly and exteriorly, as well.

If your carpal tunnel is left untreated, there can be permanent damage to the hand or thumb. If you suspect wrist pain, our chiropractor can offer a quick exam to determine whether it is carpal tunnel syndrome. We try to avoid unnecessary surgeries as much as possible, due to this, it's recommended to get a check-up if you suspect chronic pain.

The Importance of Workplace Ergonomics

We can't stress enough the significance of proper posture, good workspace flow and desk positioning, and healthy footwear for your daily jobs. Taking breaks is also vital to maintaining optimal wellness and work ergonomics. Improving your performance and productivity by removing risk factors associated with musculoskeletal injuries is our specialty.

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