Disc Herniation

How to Know If You Have a Disc Herniation

Our chiropractic staff encounters disc herniation often at Armstrong Chiropractic, and we recognize the signs. Not all herniated discs display symptoms either. In other cases, the herniated disc can cause severe pain, muscle weakness due to nerve irritation.

Signs of Disc Herniation

Also, called “a slipped disc” or “ruptured disc” it is where the discs in your vertebrae essentially start to slip out of place. This action causes irritation to the nerves resulting in severe pain. Most slipped disc happen in the lower section of the spine or lumbar causing sciatica pain that jolts down over your buttocks and backs of your legs. Other signs are:

  • Pain in hips
  • Leg weakness (One leg only)
  • Tingling or numbness in one leg or foot.

If the slipped disc is in the upper spine or cervical region, then the pain will be in the neck and arms. Here are some other symptoms you might experience.

  • Stabbing neck pain
  • Pain when moving neck
  • Pain in the shoulders
  • Jolting shooting pain down one arm that goes through two fingers.
  • Tingling and numbness in arm, fingers, or both.

Do not self-diagnosis though. Visiting your doctor is the only true way to truly determine if you have a slipped disc. They will ask you questions about your pain, perform a routine physical exam, and order X-rays and other testing such as MRI or CT scans. Nerve testing may also be ordered to find if any nerve damage has been done.


At Armstrong Chiropractic Center, we provide a secondary step to treating a disc herniation. We also know the spine is the key to all over wellness. Allow our lead chiropractor to discover the true reason behind your pain and treat you overall as a person, and not just the symptoms. Call us at (254) 778-5575 today to discuss how we can help make you feel whole and free of pain again.


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