Headaches after a Car Accident

Headaches after a Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident can be both physically and mentally traumatic. When you suffer an auto accident injury, you may start feeling the symptoms immediately, or it can take up to twenty-four hours. Auto accident injuries can be severe and can require medical treatment. If you hit your head during the accident and are suffering from a headache, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible because you could have a concussion. Fortunately, the professionals at Armstrong Chiropractic Center can treat the symptoms of a concussion and resolve the cause of continued pain.

How Does a Concussion Occur?

When you hit your head, or if your head is pushed back and forth with great force, it can cause your brain to hit the inside of your skull. This damage caused by the impact is a concussion. The severity of the concussion would depend on the severity of the impact.

What are the Symptoms of a Concussion?

If you are suffering from a concussion, you can experience several symptoms. The symptoms and the severity would depend on how severe your concussion is. They include:


Pressure in the head


Forgetting the accident


Slurred speech

Feeling dazed

Temporary loss of consciousness

Nausea and vomiting

How Is a Concussion Diagnosed?

There are three types of tests that your doctor will perform to diagnose a concussion. First, they will perform a neurological exam to test your vision, hearing, balance, coordination, and reflexes. Next, they will perform a cognitive test to see how good your memory and concentration are. Finally, image tests such as a CT scan, an MRI, and an X-ray might be ordered. These tests can detect swelling in the brain and a brain bleed.

How Are Concussions Treated?

Immediately after the injury, the best treatment for a concussion is rest. You should avoid any strenuous activity and avoid reading and other close-up work. Your doctor might also prescribe a pain reliever; however, this is just a temporary solution for treating pain. A more permanent way to manage the pain is to be seen by a chiropractor.

How Can a Chiropractor Treat a Concussion?

If you hit your head during the accident, there is a good chance that your spine has become misaligned. This can cause your symptoms to be worse. When your spine is realigned, the pain and other symptoms will subside. An adjustment will also help the blood flow to the brain, which can help treat your symptoms.

If you are suffering from a headache after a car accident, or if you have chronic headaches and migraines, our chiropractor at Armstrong Chiropractic Center can help. We can create a treatment plan to help relieve your headaches. To schedule an appointment, give us a call today.


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