Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Most people think that if they work in an office and sit at a desk all day that they are not prone to injury. People believe that because they aren't susceptible to injury because they aren't climbing ladders or working with hazardous materials. The truth is, there are plenty of injuries that can occur while sitting at a desk if you don't take the proper precautions. If you don't know much about proper workplace ergonomics, there could be a workplace injury in your future. There are certain precautions that you should take.

The Right Chair and Position

It is crucial that you have a chair that will support the curves in your spine. The chair should be adjusted so that your feet will rest on the floor. The arms of the chair should be set so that you can rest your arms while keeping your shoulders relaxed.

Keep Frequently Used Objects Within Reach

Reaching for objects over and over can result in chronic pain. To avoid this, you should keep key items such as your stapler, your telephone, and other objects within close reach. If you need to get something that isn't within reach, you should stand up to get it.

Position Your Mouse and Keyboard Properly

The two objects on your desk that you will use the most are the mouse and the keyboard. When using either, you should keep your wrists as straight as possible while keeping your arms close to your body. Also, use your mouse as little as possible by using your keyboard shortcuts more often. If you do need to use the mouse, you should adjust the sensitivity so that you can operate it with a light touch. This will prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, which often requires surgery.

Monitor Placement

The placement of your monitor is essential in preventing neck pain and eye strain. You should make sure that the top of your screen is slightly below your eye level. It should also be placed right behind your keyboard. Finally, make sure that the monitor is not too close to your face. It is best to keep it within an arm's length away.

Contact Our Armstrong Chiropractic Center in Temple, TX

If you have suffered from a work injury due to poor workplace ergonomics, you should make an appointment with a chiropractor. After your first adjustment with Armstrong Chiropractic in Temple, Texas, you should start feeling some relief. Your chiropractor can also give you tips to avoid future workplace injuries.


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